The Financial Case for Hiring More MEN in Energy

Written by Katie Mehnert | Jan 31, 2019 12:00:00 AM

If you're reading this it's because you clicked on an unusual headline.

When I got the invitation from Barrons to write about the financial case for more women in energy, my first response was...

Yes. This is awesome. Wall Street wants my view.

And then it sunk in.

Why on earth do I even need to spell it out?

Why do we need this headline? Why does it matter that we even spend any time defining this for people? The thing is, if we don't socialize the case for change in any business or in any kind of transformation, it won't happen.

And look, socialization is key. But action, is even more important.

I socialized the headline on Facebook and LinkedIn and it got some interesting feedback.

Why are we here?

Culture change is so hard. But it is possible.

Until I decided to try and change the world and launch Pink Petro and Experience Energy, I spent most of career shaping safety culture in energy. Leaders learned decades ago that a profitable sustainable business is a safe and reliable one. And one by one, company by company and now the industry embraces a SAFETY FIRST, GOAL ZERO mindset.

What if would could do the same for a balanced inclusive team of leaders?

I'm not finished. Safety culture is predicated on a place where people feel "safe" to report, "safe" to speak up, "safe" to contribute. Does this sound familiar? Safety and reliability and sustainability are absolutely linked to an inclusive workplace.

So there you have it. The case for change is one we must socialize into action. I am not going anywhere until this is fixed. The World Economic Forum says it might be 100 years. I believe we can do this sooner than many think.