The Texas A&M Energy Institute: Circular Economy and Sustainability Survey

Written by Valentini Pappa | Aug 6, 2020 2:31:25 PM

The Texas A&M Energy Institute is conducting the Circular Economy and Sustainability Survey. This survey aims to better understand the perceptions of different actors from business, academics, government, and the nonprofit sector about the circular economy and sustainable development concepts.

Will you take 10 minutes of your time to provide your perspective?

Your responses will help us to gauge the level of familiarity that various stakeholders have with these concepts. Moreover, we want to understand their perception as it relates to the trade-offs associated with adopting either approach.

This study is a collaboration under a T3 funded project. The interdisciplinary research team consists of researchers from:

  • The Texas A&M Energy Institute
  • The Texas A&M University School of Law
  • The Bush School of Government & Public Service