ALLY Table Talks: Self Care for ERG Leaders

ALLY Table Talks: Self Care for ERG Leaders
ERG leaders are a key driving force for cultural change but have a serious challenge to balance their role and day jobs in a high-pressure and ever-changing industry. This Real Talk session, hosted by ALLY Energy, provides a platform to address these unique challenges and offers practical tools to help ERG leaders care for themselves while continuing to drive meaningful change within their organizations.
Why This Matters: ERG leaders play a crucial role in fostering inclusive workplace cultures, but this role often comes with significant stress. According to recent data, 66% of ERG leaders report experiencing burnout, with many citing the challenge of balancing their ERG responsibilities with their primary job duties as a key stressor(MentorcliQ, Additionally, a 2023 survey found that 76% of employees experienced moderate to high levels of burnout, underscoring the need for effective self-care strategies(Statista).
What You’ll Gain: Join us for an open discussion on the realities of leading an ERG in the energy industry, where you'll learn:
- Stress-Management Techniques: Proven strategies to help you manage stress and prevent burnout, tailored specifically for ERG leaders.
- Navigating Resistance: Tools to help you effectively manage resistance from management and align ERG goals with organizational objectives.
- Practical Self-Care Practices: Simple, actionable steps grounded in the latest research on neuroscience and mental health to help you prioritize your well-being.
Real Impact: It’s reported that over 58% of ERG leaders feel isolated in their roles, often bearing the emotional labor of their teams alone(The ERG Movement). This session is designed to connect you with peers facing similar challenges, creating a supportive community where you can share experiences and strategies.
Join Us: This isn’t just a talk—it’s a community-driven conversation aimed at empowering ERG leaders to thrive, not just survive

Event Details

3 October, 2024

10:00 AM


Members Only

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