Learn more about our annual recognition program, how you can get involved, common questions, review the rules and regulations, etc.
What is the timeline for the awards in 2025
- Initial Call for Nominations and Applications - 1:00 AM Central Time, April 14, 2025 - First Session and April 28, 2025 - Second Session
- All applications with recommendations are due 11:59 PM Central Time, Thursday, June 19, 2025.
- Selection of Finalists - Friday, June 20 to Saturday, August 30, 2025
- Announcement of Finalists - 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Central Time, Thursday, September 18, 2025, at the GRIT Awards & Best Energy Workplaces Lifetime Achievement & Finalists Reception during Houston Energy and Climate Week.
We announce the finalists through a press release and provide a communications kit for use on social media and live at the reception at the Junior League of Houston from 5:00 to 9:00 PM Central Time. - Announcement and Awarding of Winners - October 30, 2025 - GRIT Awards & Best Energy Workplaces We announce the winners live in person at the Briar Club, Houston. We drop a press release and provide a communications kit to use on social media.
Who is eligible for a GRIT Award?
The GRIT Awards are open to all global energy professionals, students, and educators in oil and gas, power/utilities, nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, climate, and/or sustainability. The individual may be in a corporate role, an entrepreneur, a student, an educator or researcher, or someone unemployed and accomplishing specific things that embody GRIT. Don't overthink your eligibility, just apply!
How many do you select?
When we launched the inaugural GRIT Awards in 2018, the response was overwhelming. Since then, we've received over 5000 applications from North America, The United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Asia, Russia, and the Middle East. Over 500 people have attended our celebration live in Houston, and 74,000+ have tuned in online. We have no magic number for those we award. We aim to bring a diverse set of applicants forward. We select applicants across the globe. We know that talent lives everywhere, and we want to recognize it.
How do you select winners?
Winners will be chosen by a diverse panel of judges. Individual applications will be stripped of all identifying information, and judges will be assigned randomly to eliminate bias. Nominees will be evaluated based on professional accomplishments, personal philanthropic efforts, and other qualities you define in the nomination.
Winners are selected using:
Company, Team or Group Categories uses an average score of the 3 independent judges and the Revelio Labs Culture Score for the submitting company.
Number of applicants,
Industry sector type,
Range of scores and distribution of applicant types across them.
Individual Categories use an average score of the 3 independent judges,
Number of applicants,
Industry sector type,
Range of scores and distribution of applicant types across them.
How is this different than other awards and recommendation programs?
At ALLY Energy we believe in merit, first, always. But we also know that not everyone dares to nominate themselves or to apply. We also know that identifying information provides bias in any evaluation process. Bias is a part of the human condition. Our program reduces bias using processes and technology to redact identifying information, but it does not eliminate bias. Our judges are selected from a range of backgrounds, generations, skills, merit, and experience.
I've been nominated, why do I have to provide an application?
Applications are the sole source for judges to review individual qualifications in a redacted manner. Your application allows you to provide two references. The quality of our awards and process makes this truly a high honor.
I'm a recommender - what's required of me?
Individual recommendations should not name the nominee or provide any identifying information. We recommend "This candidate" or "The nominee". Do not list their company --you can use words like "at an energy company" or "At their school". We will disqualify anyone who names the candidate directly so please do your best to remove as much identifying information. We request this so that applicants are judged based on merit in the application questions and recommendations.
Can I nominate myself?
Yes, we accept and encourage self-nominations. Please make sure you apply, though. A nomination ensures a nominee is aware of their nomination, but everyone has to apply to be considered.
2025 GRIT Awards and Best Energy Workplaces registration and nominations are now open. Visit here.
Does it matter how many nominations someone gets?
Whether someone receives 1 nomination or 1,000 nominations, it makes no difference. Once a person is nominated, that person is invited to fill out an application. When the judges look at all the candidates, the only information they receive is the applications. They're unaware of how many nominations each person has, so that will not factor into their decision.
I just found out that someone nominated me! How can I find out who it was?
We keep all nominations anonymous unless the nominator wishes to disclose the nomination directly.
What do you look for in an applicant?
We look for merit (and) diverse thinking and application of GRIT. We want to give it up for individuals, teams, and organizations who are pressing on, despite the barriers that might be in the way. The past year has been another opportunity to demonstrate GRIT, adaptability, passion, inspiration, and delivering impact for energy. These are just some of the qualities we look for and want to recognize.
I was nominated - why do I need to apply?
A nomination is a short form to let you know you know to apply. Applications provide the judges more information about you as an applicant and recommendations provide them more insight into why someone thinks you should receive a GRIT award.
How can I get support for using the nomination and application system?
Log a ticket with customer support
Where are the GRIT Awards happening in 2025?
We are hosting the GRIT Awards & Best Energy Workplaces Finalists event on Thursday, September 18, 2025. This allows finalists the opportunity to be recognized. The 2025 GRIT Awards Ceremony will be an in-person event on Thursday, October 30, 2025. We expect a full house so get your tables today!
How do I sponsor the GRIT Awards?
To learn more about sponsorship or purchase tables, please visit here for more information.
What are the categories?
ALLY Energy’s GRIT Awards and Best Energy Workplaces honor the energy industry’s brightest and grittiest talent who contribute to their companies, the energy industry, and their communities. Our awards program recognizes individuals, teams, and for-profit and non-profit organizations that have demonstrated (GRIT) growth, resilience, innovation/new ways of working/ inclusion, and talent.
THE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: Lifetime Achievement awards are nominated and selected by a board of judges and the ALLY Energy membership at large. This award is given to private and public sector leaders to recognize significant achievement over the whole of a career in energy and sustainability.
THE EXECUTIVE AWARD: The Executive Award: Building resilience, sustainability, and a strong sense of community starts with leadership. When top executives emphasize these principles, they lay the groundwork for a corporate culture that embodies them. This award recognizes leaders who drive sustainability, nurture connections, and inspire and empower their teams to lead with purpose.
THE ENTREPRENEUR AWARD: Our industry was started by entrepreneurs – wildcatters, and mavericks who risked their lives to build something for future generations. Although many of these companies have grown into large corporations, the entrepreneurial spirit is still alive and well in our industry. This award goes to modern-day mavericks who have stepped out of their comfort zone with resilience and strength to bring something new to our industry.
THE PROFESSIONAL AWARD: Professional GRIT Awards may go to any person who has demonstrated growth, resilience, innovation, and talent in the workplace in leadership, technical, or any other type of industry role. They have accepted challenges, learned from them, and developed new and creative ways to solve problems. They show up each day, do their best, and inspire others to do the same.
THE SUSTAINABILITY CHAMPION AWARD: Sustainability Champions are needed more than ever. For this award, we're looking to recognize a passionate trailblazer around Sustainability who demonstrates a deep commitment to protecting the planet and creating a better future for all.
THE TOP ENERGY VOICE AWARD: This award recognizes and rewards outstanding storytellers and media organizations in energy.
THE BEST ENERGY RESOURCE GROUP: ALLY Energy is on a mission to find the difference-makers who are making an impact on energy and sustainability. We want to highlight the best energy resource groups and networks/associations that have overcome adversity in an effort to accomplish amazing things. A GRIT Award is for the unsung team that is down in the trenches getting the job done regardless of what recognition may or may not come their way.
THE BEST ENERGY TEAM: Our mission is to find the difference-makers who are impacting energy and sustainability. We want to highlight the best energy teams that have overcome adversity in an effort to accomplish amazing things. A GRIT Award is for the team that is down in the trenches getting the job done regardless of what recognition may or may not come their way. A GRIT award is one of the highest honors because it’s recognition from your peers who have seen your exceptional behavior, ability, and impact first-hand.
THE BEST ENERGY WORKPLACES: Recognizing companies in the energy industry that are making a difference, a Best Energy Workplace Award goes to those companies that are designing and delivering future-focused cultures and highly engaged workforces. They deliver with impact based on cultures that support resilience and strong communities, as well as recognize and harness the collective genius of its people. These are the companies that are leading our industry through the energy transition and beyond. We believe that it’s time to tell their stories. From startups to enterprise companies and everything in between, it is time to recognize the true difference makers in energy.
THE BEST ENERGY STARTUP: This is a prestigious honor for companies that are boldly stepping up to create an innovative product, service, and culture.
What are the rules and regulations?
ALLY Energy hosts the GRIT and Best Places to Work Awards to find the difference-makers who are making an impact on energy, sustainability, and climate.
There are no age, gender, geography, and demographic restrictions.
All applications must be submitted by the deadline.
Nominations submitted will notify the nominee from ALLY Energy, and the nominee must then apply for the award.
To be considered for the award, the application must be submitted in its entirety. Applications are due June 19, 2025, unless ALLY Energy determines an extension.
The judging cycle will be completed by at least three independent judges randomly assigned.
Award finalists will be revealed on Thursday, September 18, 2025, and winners will be announced live on Thursday, October 30, 2025.
Everyone, regardless of participation, must pay for their tickets to attend in person.
Nominators will not be disclosed for nominees except that ALLY can provide a reason someone was nominated to the nominee if requested and received.
Each application will provide communications contact information for the official notification of the finalist and winner announcement.
Applicants will be provided the opportunity to submit photos and logos. If selected, the applicant gives us the right to publish these without royalties, payments, etc.
All finalists and winners should abide by our branding guidelines and use of logos.
ALLY Energy reserves the right to change these rules and guidelines without notice.
Receipt of awards is conditional upon the recipient's compliance with all of the terms, conditions, guidelines, and regulations as set out in the terms of reference.
All applications become the property of ALLY and will not be returned.
ALLY assumes no responsibility for applications (or portions thereof) that are lost, late, delayed, destroyed, or misdirected for any reason whatsoever. ALLY shall not be responsible for any errors, negligence, losses, or damages of any nature whatsoever that may arise or occur in connection with this Award. The applicants grant ALLY the right to use the materials submitted to be used to promote the award.
ALLY reserves the right to cancel, amend, or suspend the Awards or to amend these terms and conditions in any way without prior notice or obligation in the event of any accident, printing, administrative, or other error of any kind or for any other reason whatsoever. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these terms and conditions and disclosures or other statements contained in any Award-related materials, these terms and conditions shall prevail, govern, and control to the fullest extent permitted by law.
If for any reason, in ALLY’s sole discretion, these Awards are not capable of running as originally contemplated by these terms and conditions, or if the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or the proper conduct of this Award are corrupted or adversely affected, including, by reason of tampering, fraud or any other causes beyond its control, ALLY reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify, amend, extend or suspend the Award, in whole or in part, at any time and without prior notice.
Subject to applicable law and any required regulatory approval, ALLY reserves the right and without prior notice to adjust any of the dates and/or timeframes stipulated in these terms and conditions, to the extent necessary, for the purposes of verifying compliance by any applicant with these terms and conditions, or as a result of other problems, or in light of other circumstances which, in the opinion of ALLY, affects the proper administration of the Award as contemplated in these terms and conditions, or for any other reason.
ALLY reserves the right to disqualify from these Awards and any future awards program or other promotion conducted by ALLY, any individual, individuals or companies/entities it finds or believes to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Award, or any website to be acting in violation of these terms and conditions, or to be acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other participant.
All decisions of ALLY and the Award judges are final and binding without right of appeal with respect to all aspects of this Award, including, without limitation, eligibility and disqualification of applicants. This Award is subject to applicable federal, provincial, and municipal law. Void where prohibited.
ALLY, officers, directors, employees and staff, and the Award judges will not be liable for:
any incomplete or inaccurate information caused by any technical or human error that may occur in the capturing and/or processing of applications
the theft, loss, destruction, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, applications
any failure of any message or email to be received by or from ALLY and/or any failure of an application to be captured, recorded, or received for any reason;
any typographical or other errors in the offer or administration of this Award, including but not limited to errors in advertising, these terms and conditions, the selection and/or announcement of the finalists or the winners, and
any combination of the above.
When you submit your application with recommendations, you and your recommenders are agreeing to these terms.