How do I subscribe to your events calendar?

Subscribe to our calendar today or post our calendar on your own websites.

You can now directly subscribe to our calendar.

If you wish to subscribe to our active list of events, we support this in most major mail programs. 

Apple Subscribe Now
Google Subscribe Now
Office 365 Subscribe Now
Outlook Subscribe Now Subscribe Now
Yahoo Subscribe Now

Looking to embed our calendar onto your website or intranet?

You can now publish our calendar externally on websites.  This helps to centralize our activities in one place.  You have two choices: an embeddable calendar or an events list.  Below is the code to copy in and embed on your pages.

Custom Embeddable Calendar

Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 6.49.27 AM

Copy and paste:

<div class="ae-emd-cal" data-calendar="hT540547" data-configure="false"></div><script type="text/javascript">(function(){var e = document.createElement("script");e.type = "text/javascript";e.async = true;e.src = "";e.className = "ae-emd-script";document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(e);})();</script>

Custom Embeddable Events List

Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 6.49.34 AM

Copy and paste:

<div style="width:100%;height:500px;" class="ae-emd-cal-events" data-calendar="hT540547" data-lbl-upcoming="Upcoming events" data-lbl-subscribe="Subscribe" data-no-events="No events found.." data-lbl-readmore="Read more" data-include-atc="true" data-include-stc="true" data-include-moupcpicker="true" data-include-location="false" data-include-timezone="false" data-include-organizer="false" data-include-countdown="false" data-include-description="false" data-include-timezone-select="true" data-default-view="upcoming" data-stayonpage="false" data-datetime-format="1" data-datetime-language="en_US" data-events-max="100" data-description-length="brief" ></div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>